Montag, 27. Juni 2011

First post and introduction

Hi Everyone, welcome to the Panzer Werkstatt (=Workshop)!

This blog is about my gaming and modeling hobby.
Here I will show you my current models and armies and my future work.

I have been collecting miniatures and painting them since spring 1994.
Yes, thats 17 years ago!

It all started when a friend and classmate introduced me to Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
My first army was High Elves.

Over the years I added: Dark Elves, Empire, Orks and Goblins and Vampire Counts.
(Mainly between 2003 and 2007)

I also brought back some: Space Marines, Dark Angels, Chaos Space Marines, Tau and Imperial Guard, from my trips to the dark galaxies of the distant future.
An army of Blood Angel Space Marines entered and left my command.

At the end of 2007 I discovered a new system: Flames of War.
I always was a big fan of WW2 and it actually has a well balanced gameplay!
No Super-Hero-that-destroys-your-entire-army game!!!

As you might have already noticed from the blogs name, FoW has become my primary gaming system and I think most post will be about that.

Well thats the end of my first post.
My second entry will have one ore more pictures I would like you to comment.

PS: My native language is German and not English so please apologize my spelling and grammar errors.